Savik Richard Glenn
Richard was the Executive Vice President of External and Governmental Affairs for the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) as well as the Board President of the Barrow Arctic Science Consortium (BASC) from 1994 to 2015. He also worked for the North Slope Borough from 1995-2001 as Director of the Department of Energy Management, and from 1989-2004 he was a consulting geologist for the NSB on contract from two different firms.
Richard received a Bachelor of Science at San Jose State University in 1985 and his Masters Degree in Science at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. He was appointed as a member of the United States Arctic Research Commission in 1995 and was re-appointed in 1999. He was a member of the Ilisagvik College Board of Trustees (1993-2000, serving as chairman for most of his tenure). He has served on the Polar Research Board, the ARCUS board of directors, and on several National Academy of Science panels. In 2015 Richard was asked by Admiral Robert Papp to serve as an Alaska Native Liaison to the US State Department's Special Representative to the Arctic. Richard is also currently a member of both the North Slope Borough Planning Commission and the Barrow Zoning commission.