About the Language of the Year
Encoded within our Indigenous languages is the richest detailing of Alaska’s history, values, knowledge systems, and ways to be in good relationship with one another.
Since 2018 and each year after, FAI has chosen a different Alaska Native language to highlight at the end of the Elders & Youth Conference. Our goal is to feature every one of our Alaska Native languages, and uplift each in our work throughout the year.
Languages and Conference themes by year:
2024: Gwich'in (Theme TBD)
2023: Lingít (Woosht Guganéix - Let it be that we heal each other)
2022: Tanacross (Xuu’ts’udeelken iin – Relatives of Ours)
2021: Eyak (ahnuu dAXunhyuu AXAkihya' iLka' GAdAqeeLinuu – side by side in the same direction the people go by canoe)
2020: Alutiiq/Sugpiaq (Asirqamek Apruciluta/ Asisqamek Aprut’liluta [Sugt’stun, Chugach/Alutiiq] - We Are Making a Good Path)
2019: Yup’ik/Cup’ik (Qaneryararput Yugtun Riniqerput/Qaneryararput Cugtun Kayuqerput - Language is Our Super Power)
2018: Tsm’syen (Na Ganiyaatgm, Na Lagm - Our Ancestors, Our Fire)