Summer Internship Program
See you there
WhenJune 10, 2024 at 8:00am - August 16, 2024
Kaaswóot Gloria Wolfe
[email protected]
Summer Internship Program
Our Summer Internship Program (SIP) places Alaska Native, American Indian, Indigenous and rural community members and students into organizations around Alaska to provide leadership growth and employment experience and exploration.
The program is designed to help those who show a high level of community leadership and commitment prepare for their careers, further or advance their education or training, and engage in other professional opportunities that strengthen their ability to help serve and advance our Alaska Native community. Throughout the program, interns will examine priorities that benefit our extended Alaska Native family that include:
- Advancing Self Determination
- Advancing Our Ways of Life
- Knowing, Living, and Loving Who We Are
- Shaping the Knowledge That Informs Alaskans
- Being Good Relatives
FAI values our partnerships across the state as we seek to ensure meaningful employment opportunities for the interns and their employers. Interns will have the option to help establish partnerships with new employers if current options are not relevant, especially where it will allow them to return to their home village or region. Since 2004, FAI has placed 381 interns in over 110 different partner organizations in 26 communities across Alaska. For more information direct all questions to Khaaswóot Gloria Wolfe at [email protected] or 907-677-1712.
Apply as a SIP clicking here. Apply to be an Employee Partner for our interns here.