Languages and Conference themes by year:
2024: Gwich'in (Theme TBD)
2023: Lingít (Woosht Guganéix - Let it be that we heal each other)
2022: Tanacross (Xuu’ts’udeelken iin – Relatives of Ours)
2021: Eyak (ahnuu dAXunhyuu AXAkihya' iLka' GAdAqeeLinuu – side by side in the same direction the people go by canoe)
2020: Alutiiq/Sugpiaq (Asirqamek Apruciluta/ Asisqamek Aprut’liluta [Sugt’stun, Chugach/Alutiiq] - We Are Making a Good Path)
2019: Yup’ik/Cup’ik (Qaneryararput Yugtun Riniqerput/Qaneryararput Cugtun Kayuqerput - Language is Our Super Power)
2018: Tsm’syen (Na Ganiyaatgm, Na Lagm - Our Ancestors, Our Fire)